国際将棋フォーラム2024 開催のお知らせ【 International Shogi Forum 2024】



日本以外の国籍を保有する選手は、自身の国籍の国で開催される予選大会に参加する資格があります。 各国予選の情報はこちらよりご覧ください。

国際将棋フォーラム2024 スケジュール
11月7日 :選手集合・前夜祭(東京都新宿区)
11月8日 :国際将棋トーナメント1日目(東京都・新将棋会館)
11月9日 :国際将棋トーナメント2日目(東京都・新将棋会館)
11月10日 :将棋の日×国際将棋フォーラム 関連イベント(東京都渋谷区)

International Shogi Forum 2024
The International Shogi Forum 2024 will be held from November 7 to 9, 2024.

The "International Shogi Forum 2024" is an event where players selected as representatives from around the world gather for the purpose of international Shogi promotion and international exchange. The International Shogi Forum 2024 will be the first time since the 7th International Shogi Forum in 2017 that players from around the world will gather in Japan for the first time in seven years for a ceremony and tournament.
(The 2021 event was held online.)
Players with nationalities other than Japanese are eligible to participate in the qualifying tournament held in the country of their nationality.
Please click here for information on qualifying tournaments in each country.
If you wish to participate in the International Shogi Forum as a representative of a country that does not have a qualifying tournament, please contact us at the following e-mail address.

International Shogi Forum 2024 Schedule
Nov. 7: Players' Gathering and Eve Party (Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo)
Nov. 8 : International Shogi Tournament Day 1 (New Shogi-kaikan Hall, Tokyo)
Nov. 9 : International Shogi Tournament Day 2 (New Shogi-kaikan Hall, Tokyo)
Nov. 10 : Shogi Day x International Shogi Forum related event (Shibuya-ku, Tokyo)
